Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wisdom teeth removal,

When we are young and our baby teeth fall out we are actually excited. That’s because we believe that a tiny woman in a fairy outfit is going to come take our teeth from under our pillow and bring us money. Unfortunately when it comes to wisdom teeth removal the only money involved is that which we need to give to the dentist or oral surgeon.

Many people begin to have trouble with these molars when they are teenagers. Some people are lucky in that they never have wisdom teeth at all. Others have only two or three. But many people have all four and they start to cause troubles before they even erupt. This calls for impacted wisdom teeth removal which is a fairly serious procedure.

Although some dentists are comfortable and have the necessary equipment to do a standard tooth extraction in their office, impacted wisdom teeth removal is more complicated. It generally calls for the patient to be given a general anesthetic and is treated just like any other surgery. An oral surgeon is likely to have a surgery suite in which he or she performs these operations with the aid of trained staff.

Once you’ve been told that you need to have this done it can feel a bit overwhelming. Realizing that you are going to be given a general anesthetic and that you’ll face a recovery period may deter you from going through with the wisdom teeth removal procedure. However, leaving these teeth in can be more risky than the wisdom teeth removal itself. If your mouth doesn’t have room for these teeth and they aren’t removed you can face teeth crowding, an abscess and even jaw damage.

After an initial consultation in which you are given information about the costs involved, the recovery process and the actual wisdom teeth removal procedure, you’ll book an appointment to have it done. It’s essential that someone go with you the day of the operation and stay with you for several hours afterwards. Although you will walk out of the office yourself after the wisdom teeth removal is done, you’ll be very groggy and tired. It’s common for a person to experience substantial pain and bleeding afterwards.

You’ll likely be prescribed an antibiotic to lessen the chance of infection and be given instructions for how to cleanse your mouth. For an impacted wisdom teeth removal operation, stitches that dissolve with be used and you’ll be told how to care for those as well. Be prepared to forgo things like popcorn, hard nuts and sunflower seeds for a few months after the operation. But it’s all worth it, as you’ll never have to worry about your wisdom teeth causing any dental problems again.

Teeth whitening system

I have always maintained an exceptional standard of dental hygiene. As I grew older, however, my teeth inevitably lost some of their shine. I never really liked teeth whitening toothpaste before. teeth whitening systems seemed pretty vain and pointless to me. I did not know what they used as bleaching agent in the teeth whitening system, and did not want to risk my health for whiter teeth. That was before I had any problems with white teeth. Nowadays, my teeth are yellower, and I am embarrassed about them. Teeth whitening systems seem more appealing than before now that I'm actually faced with the problems of ugly teeth!

The first teeth whitening system that I ever tried was a simple toothpaste. It promised to give me whiter teeth in five days, but could not deliver on its promise. I suppose that my teeth might have been a shade or two whiter, but the difference was hardly noticeable. I tried several other teeth whitening system brands, but none of them helped. I tried tooth whitening gum, but I had no results either. I went in for a professional tooth cleaning, and that seemed to help a little bit, but within a week or two my teeth were the same old color again. I knew that I needed to find a better teeth whitening system, or I would die of embarrassment.

I gradually got into more elaborate methods of tooth whitening. There is actually a way of using hydrogen peroxide whitening to make your teeth whiter. Unfortunately, this is not a get method. You see, hydrogen peroxide is very harsh. I even heard rumors that it could make your gums bleed! Nonetheless, I tried this teeth whitening system out, and I had some good results with it. It was not enough, but it was a start.

In the end, I went in for a laser teeth whitening treatment. In some ways, it was the very simplest teeth whitening system. All I had to do was go in for a few laser treatments, and it was all done. The teeth whitening treatment would eventually fade, but I can always get it done again. This teeth whitening system is extremely expensive, but it was worth it. My teeth have looked much better since then, and three years have already passed. Although it was a little bit less convenient than an at home whitening teeth system, it was a whole lot more effective.