Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dental Health

If no action is taken to maintain proper dental health care, acid will form and attack the tooth enamel, allowing tooth decay to penetrate into the softer tissue inside the tooth. If the decay is not treated in its early stages, it will progress to the tooth pulp, a soft tissue containing nerves, arteries, veins and lymph vessels. Eventually, an abscess will begin to form at the root - and unless endodontic (root canal) treatment is carried out, the tooth will be lost.

Plaque must be removed daily, if not, the irritants in plaque can cause swollen, red, bleeding gums. These conditions occur when plaque hardens and forms tartar (calculus) that collects around the tooth under the gum line, causing the gum to pull away from the tooth. Pockets form between the tooth and under the gum line. Plaque and its harmful by-products move down along the tooth towards the roots. When the bone is eaten away, the tooth, with little support, will become loose and fall out. Gum disease (periodontal disease) is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults. However, if it is detected in time, it can be treated. Practising proper dental health care, you will be able to notice any warning signs of tooth decay.

Food is a huge contributing factor in causing plaque formation on teeth. Sticky, sugary foods are the traditional cause of tooth decay. However, over the past decade, scientific thinking about the connection between diet and tooth decay has changed quite appreciably. Dentists no longer talk about foods being good or bad for teeth. How often you eat and how long food remains in the mouth are considerations that are just as important as what you actually eat.

A bacterial deposit (plaque) constantly forms on the tooth surfaces. The bacteria in plaque thrive on refined carbohydrates (especially sugar) that are converted into acid. This acid damages the tooth enamel and erodes it until a cavity (caries) forms. Dental scientists have found that these bacteria can use either natural or processed sugars. Sugar in an apple is as likely to cause tooth decay as sugar in a chocolate bar. Furthermore, the simple starches in foods such as bread, cake or cereals are broken down by salivary enzymes into the same kinds of sugars that generate the formation of acids. The main problem with sticky confectionery, such as toffee or dried fruit and with long-lasting boiled sweets, is that they remain in the mouth (and release sugar) for a long time, thereby increasing the likelihood of tooth decay. It is best, therefore, to eat sweets in moderation and to brush and floss your teeth regularly. If you must have sugary foods, restrict their consumption to immediately after meals, when increased saliva production makes them less harmful.

Another point often overlooked in dental health care for children is that children older than one year old should not be put to bed with feeding bottles containing fruit juice, sweetened tea, flavoured or sweetened milk, or even cows milk. The flow of saliva slows during sleep and the liquid can stagnate on the teeth. The sooner a mother starts cleaning a child's teeth - even if it is breastfed - the less chance of it developing tooth decay from food and drinks.

Foods that promote dental health care and especially lessen plaque formation are raw vegetables, nuts, popcorn, plain yoghurt and cheese. In fact, cheese is not only considered one of the best sources of calcium (a nutrient essential for healthy bones and teeth), but research has also shown that certain types - for example, aged Cheddar - protects the teeth against the acids that cause tooth decay.

Holistic Dental Health

Have you thought of the concept of a ‘benevolent dictator’—ahem—dentist who told you what had to be done to your teeth?

Dentists, who practice holistic dentistry believe that it is essential for a dentist to listen, ask questions and seek to understand your dental situation and wishes. The initial dental discussion is experienced in a relaxed comfortable person-to-person exchange—not in the dental chair, tilted backward with the light shining in your eyes as if you are in an interrogation room.

Holistic dentistry consists of treatment that combines accurate diagnosis and planning for care while considering the elements of physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the individual. Holistic dentistry provides the education and information you need; and allows you the opportunity to choose options for treatment that you can feel good about.

The future of your total health can be compromised by the condition of your teeth, gum tissue and bones. Oral health is crucial to your well-being, yet it is easily neglected even with conscious effort to maintain good dental health.

Holistic dentistry includes Essential Oils to augment the treatment of gum and bone disease. You will notice careful consideration is taken to ensure that the time you spend is as comfortable as possible. Holistic dentistry uses only composite materials made of a plastic resin and a filler of finely ground glass-like particles. These materials can be blended and matched to the color of the existing tooth.

The procedure to fill a tooth with composites is more precise and takes longer to perform than an amalgam filling. These materials are bonded to the remaining tooth structure. This gives the filling a strong and secure attachment to the remaining tooth.

You might need to spend time searching for a holistic dentist, but in the end it is well-worth the effort. You can be assured the care you receive will be safe, effective and patient centered.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wisdom teeth removal,

When we are young and our baby teeth fall out we are actually excited. That’s because we believe that a tiny woman in a fairy outfit is going to come take our teeth from under our pillow and bring us money. Unfortunately when it comes to wisdom teeth removal the only money involved is that which we need to give to the dentist or oral surgeon.

Many people begin to have trouble with these molars when they are teenagers. Some people are lucky in that they never have wisdom teeth at all. Others have only two or three. But many people have all four and they start to cause troubles before they even erupt. This calls for impacted wisdom teeth removal which is a fairly serious procedure.

Although some dentists are comfortable and have the necessary equipment to do a standard tooth extraction in their office, impacted wisdom teeth removal is more complicated. It generally calls for the patient to be given a general anesthetic and is treated just like any other surgery. An oral surgeon is likely to have a surgery suite in which he or she performs these operations with the aid of trained staff.

Once you’ve been told that you need to have this done it can feel a bit overwhelming. Realizing that you are going to be given a general anesthetic and that you’ll face a recovery period may deter you from going through with the wisdom teeth removal procedure. However, leaving these teeth in can be more risky than the wisdom teeth removal itself. If your mouth doesn’t have room for these teeth and they aren’t removed you can face teeth crowding, an abscess and even jaw damage.

After an initial consultation in which you are given information about the costs involved, the recovery process and the actual wisdom teeth removal procedure, you’ll book an appointment to have it done. It’s essential that someone go with you the day of the operation and stay with you for several hours afterwards. Although you will walk out of the office yourself after the wisdom teeth removal is done, you’ll be very groggy and tired. It’s common for a person to experience substantial pain and bleeding afterwards.

You’ll likely be prescribed an antibiotic to lessen the chance of infection and be given instructions for how to cleanse your mouth. For an impacted wisdom teeth removal operation, stitches that dissolve with be used and you’ll be told how to care for those as well. Be prepared to forgo things like popcorn, hard nuts and sunflower seeds for a few months after the operation. But it’s all worth it, as you’ll never have to worry about your wisdom teeth causing any dental problems again.

Teeth whitening system

I have always maintained an exceptional standard of dental hygiene. As I grew older, however, my teeth inevitably lost some of their shine. I never really liked teeth whitening toothpaste before. teeth whitening systems seemed pretty vain and pointless to me. I did not know what they used as bleaching agent in the teeth whitening system, and did not want to risk my health for whiter teeth. That was before I had any problems with white teeth. Nowadays, my teeth are yellower, and I am embarrassed about them. Teeth whitening systems seem more appealing than before now that I'm actually faced with the problems of ugly teeth!

The first teeth whitening system that I ever tried was a simple toothpaste. It promised to give me whiter teeth in five days, but could not deliver on its promise. I suppose that my teeth might have been a shade or two whiter, but the difference was hardly noticeable. I tried several other teeth whitening system brands, but none of them helped. I tried tooth whitening gum, but I had no results either. I went in for a professional tooth cleaning, and that seemed to help a little bit, but within a week or two my teeth were the same old color again. I knew that I needed to find a better teeth whitening system, or I would die of embarrassment.

I gradually got into more elaborate methods of tooth whitening. There is actually a way of using hydrogen peroxide whitening to make your teeth whiter. Unfortunately, this is not a get method. You see, hydrogen peroxide is very harsh. I even heard rumors that it could make your gums bleed! Nonetheless, I tried this teeth whitening system out, and I had some good results with it. It was not enough, but it was a start.

In the end, I went in for a laser teeth whitening treatment. In some ways, it was the very simplest teeth whitening system. All I had to do was go in for a few laser treatments, and it was all done. The teeth whitening treatment would eventually fade, but I can always get it done again. This teeth whitening system is extremely expensive, but it was worth it. My teeth have looked much better since then, and three years have already passed. Although it was a little bit less convenient than an at home whitening teeth system, it was a whole lot more effective.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Teeth Whitening Methods For Smokers

Frank is a smoker and his teeth are healthy but stained. He can not get rid of the coloration with tooth brushing so he is looking for alternatives. Should he go for Crest WhiteStrips or get a professional bleaching?

A professional bleaching costs much more money than WhiteStrips. And who knows if the strips work at all? He was not sure what to do. He wanted to visit his dentist anyway and so he asked him for advice.

The first thing the dentist recommended was to get a professional cleaning. This can remove a lot of the discoloration caused by smoking or other reasons. It is also not too expensive and healthy for your teeth. If there should be anything left then a bleaching can be considered.

Frank got the cleaning done which brought pretty good results. But he should have had such cleanings more often in the past. At least once per quarter. He is a strong smoker and not all of discoloration could be removed. A bleeching was the only choice.

The doctor told him that he could also try Crest WhiteStrips. It is a good product he said but not as strong as a in-house bleaching. If the WhiteStrips do not bring the results he could come back.

But from where does the staining come? The smoke of a cigarette leaves dark materials on the tooth enamel. If you are mild smoker you should be able to remove it with simple brushing. The doctor did not recommend one of these popular smokers toothpastes though. He said they are abrasive and when you use them frequently you can irreversibly hurt your enamel.

If you can not get rid of the dark material with brushing then the professional cleaning will remove most of it. Intrinsic stain is something different though. If you believe your teeth are too dark then you can get a bleeching. If even the professional bleaching does not help, you can get porcelain veneers. But they are very expensive.

Latest Methods For Tooth Whitening

If you look in the mirror and notice that your "pearly whites" aren't so pearly, you may wondering about the latest tooth whitening methods that are available. How do they work, and what is the cost? Do they actually make your teeth look whiter, and if so, how much?


Using special toothpastes is one of the most common teeth whitening methods there is. There are many whitening toothpastes available, and many do quite a good job when it comes to just general buildup or discoloration. These pastes typically contain a bleaching solution and peroxide that are specifically designed for the enamel of teeth. These tooth whitening methods are typically very safe but not always as effective as one would want.

Gels and Strips

Over the counter gels and strips are other common teeth whitening methods there are. These are usually available at any pharmacy or retailer. These methods usually contain a small amount of bleach or peroxide that helps to restore the brightness of your teeth.

Many of these solutions are placed in a mouthguard that you wear overnight or for a certain number of hours per day. Some of these are strips that have a solution on them already and which you place over your teeth once or twice a day. Some need to then be removed while others simply dissolve.

These methods are typically much more effective than any other home treatments, however, there are some concerns you should consider. For one, your teeth may become more sensitive when you're using these products. The tissue in your mouth may also become irritated from the mouth guard or from the bleaching solution you're using. Some also have a very unpleasant taste this is hard to get rid of.

For most however these side effects are very mild and go away once the tooth whitening methods are done.

Tooth Whitening Methods In Your Dentist's Office

Many dentists have a variety of teeth whitening methods that they can offer. Most of these are just more concentrated forms of the home systems. Most involve a special cover that is put over your soft tissue and then a special bleach solution is applied to the teeth. These procedures typically take around 30 minutes to an hour, and you may need more than one procedure depending upon the actual discoloration of your teeth. Some tooth whitening methods use lasers to increase the effectiveness of the bleaching solutions, however, there are no laser treatments that currently have the American Dental Association's seal of approval.

If you are interested in any of these teeth whitening methods, you may want to start with a basic home treatment. And if these do not give you the desired effect, then you can speak with your dentist about more progressive treatment options.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Discount Dental Insurance Plans

If you are not sure what to look for, but are in need of a discount dental plan, this article may be for you. Here are four tips to keep in mind before you choose a discount dental plan.

One: You want to make sure you pick the dental plan carefully. You can find numerous discount dental plans online or you can visit a comparison site that will allow you to view all of the discount dental plans that are in your area, including dental discounts and what the yearly fees will be.

To find the ones that have the coverage that you need it is important that you thoroughly check out each of the individual plans. Once you find the plan that you want to use you can sign up for it online or you can call a toll free number to sign up.

Two: If you have any questions you want to get them answered first before you sign up. If you use a comparison site then some of them will have a toll free number that you can call to get answers to your questions.

If you still have questions about them do not sign up for any of the dental plans. Always find out the answers first because this will help you decide if that plan is the right one for your needs.

You may want to keep a notebook and list some of the features and benefits of the various plans to go back and review. You will want to zero in on what is most important to you and not what a website is trying to make most important.

Three: Before you decide to use a dental plan you need to find out if your dentist is a part of that plan. If they are not then you need to decide if you want to use a plan that your dentist is not a part of.

You can talk to your dentist about plans that they are a part of if you really do not want to use a new dentist. Also some dentists may consider adding your plan to what they offer if you are a really good customer.

Four: If you know of a specific procedure you need done you can get a price quote on it. Then compare it to the price in other plans to see how competitive it is.

This is 4 discount dental plan tips you can use when you are comparing plans. There are many good plans to choose from if you take the time and do a little research before you join.

benefits Of Family Dental Care Programmes

Many adults forget to ensure that their own children are accepted into a pediatric dental care plan from an early age. Looking after young children's teeth is an important issue as they can easily get into bad habits form a young age.

Children often dislike attending the dentist but this is often because they have been introduced to it when they are older so it best to do this while they are young. Pediatric dental plans are not difficult to find as most are contained within standard family dental plan programs. All the treatments available and included for their teeth can be found in the plan's inclusions and exemptions sections.

These plans that are for young children are geared completely towards the needs of the young in a way that makes them feel at ease with their dentist. To allay any fear, pediatric dental plans use dentists specializing in children's teeth and dental care. These dental practices are specially kitted out with the latest video games so children do not feel nervous when they go in for a check-up.

There is no need to be concerned about the type of treatment they receive either as they are more likely to receive the treatment they need here than anywhere else. No parent wants there children to have problems with their teeth later in life and so it is important to have them checked at an age when they are susceptible to damage. As a parent it will be nice to know you will not have to worry about any special teeth care arrangements for children one you have made arranged the dental care program from them.

If you are not sure where to look, try on the Internet where it should be easy to locate a family dental care package at the right price. If you are looking for a discount then you should spend some time searching online as this is the best place to find family dental care with a lower premium.If you decide to use the Internet for your search you may also find that there is a large difference in price. To be competitive, most family dental care programs provide similar treatments and benefits but there is normally is difference in the premium cost so why pay more than you need to? Once you realize what your child is missing you will want to sign up for a pediatric dental plan so your child receives the best dental care available.